Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Meeting report

We had a great meeting on 4-22-10. We covered Hebrews 11:1-7 and had a good discussion on the classic illustrations of faith in the OT. We were blessed to have a few old friends drop by this week. Awesome.  Next week we will pick up at 11:8 and continue reviewing the glorious examples of faith in action among the OT Saints. Don't forget to make it to Joe's baptism this Sunday if you can.

Until next time.....peace and grace from the CMBS.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Praise Jesus! - Joe's getting Baptized.

Member Joe has been regenerated and experienced a new birth which has irresistibly compelled him to give his life to Jesus Christ. He will make a public proclamation and demonstration of this on April 25 when he is baptized into the faith. I know how much  and how far Joe has come and I can only be awestruck at the power and love of our awesome God and his son Jesus Christ. Welcome to the family Joe, I am so proud to call you my brother in Christ.

If you would like to attend Joe's baptism it will take place, as noted, on April 25, 2010 at the Cornerstone Baptist Church (also known as the Metro Baptist Center) located at 975 North Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, In. The Baptism will take place during the morning services. I ask all group members, and anyone else reading this, to attend and share this special moment with our brother.

Praise the Lord!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Starting Chapter 11 - Old Testament Hall of Fame

We will be starting Chapter 11 of Hebrews on Wed April 21. This chapter is often referred to as the Old Testament Hall of Fame because it reviews the OT Saints whose faith pointed toward the coming Messiah. When reading Chapter 11 pay close attention to what message the text is trying to convey about faith - what it is, why it is necessary, what it looks like in action and what it accomplishes.   Hope to see you there!