Thursday, August 26, 2010

Meeting notes: 8-25-10

We had an awesome discussion comparing 3000 years of western philosophy with the arguments and conclusions of Solomon in the first three chapters of Ecclesiastes. A practical demonstration that there truely is "noting new under the sun". We also covered 2:12-18 and will pick up at 2:19 next week. Hope to see you there.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Meeting notes: 8-18-10

We covered Ecc 2:1-11 and had a great discussion going with everyone participating. Qoheleth's hedonism experiment was interesting and universal. A lonely, self-indulgent journey. Hebel.  

Next week we'll take a look at how Q's observations and consequent philosophic conclusions compares to western philosophy, Christian and secular, over the last 2000 years. It should be interesting and I hope to see you there.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Meeting Notes are Up

I have posted tomorrow's meeting notes. Feel free to print them out and bring them to the meeting.

Prayers to Glenda.

Update for Glenda Murphree

Hello all:

As and update on Glenda, the detials of her her son's funeral can be found

Funeral Notice

Chris Cross

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Glenda Murphree

Fellow Followers:

It is with great sadness that I learned that Glenda Murphree of our study group lost her son this week. Please keep her and her family in your prayers during this difficult time. I will try to have a card at this week's study for everyone to sign. If you would like to take a collection for flowers, please let me know. The arrangements are pending, but the viewing will be at Forest Lawn on 135 South.

Chris Cross

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Meeting Notes 8-11-10: Great Discussion

We covered Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 today and had a really good discussion. The themes of Ecclesiastes are so universal and self evident that it really draws out the conversation and perspective of the group. I called this passage "The Quest" as it identifies the mission Qoheleth is taking on, why the task needs done and why he is just the man for the job. While such a quest would usually strike chords of optimism, Q tells us right from the start what the result of the quest was: hebel.  (Wow, talk about killing the moment.....")

Join us next week and discover how Q came to his conclusion. Until then,

peace & grace


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tomorrow's meeting notes posted

You can download a copy of the meeting notes for tomorrow using the link to the right. I won't be able to bring handouts every week, but everyone is encouraged to print out the notes and use them.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mario's Getting Married

I'm happy to announce that group member Mario is getting Married! And even better, all regular attendies are invited. Details:

Mario and Terrell
September 4, 2010 @ 4:00 P.M.
Broadway United Methodist Chruch
609 East Twenty Ninth Street
Indianapolis, Indiana

Meeting Report 8-4-2010

Great meeting today. We covered Ecclesiates 1:1-11. This is Qoheleth's summary of what is to come, dominated by the introductory poem which acts as an Overture to the entire book. A very beautiful passage of scripture that goes very, very deep. A lot of good discussion and I think the depth and visceral impact of the issues addressed will continue to draw everyone present into the discussion. This is what I hoped when Ecclesiates was chosen to study and so far I haven't been disappointed. I will post my meeting notes in the next day or so. They will be in the sidebar to the right.

Hope to see everyone next week. Until then,

peace & grace
