Thursday, August 27, 2009


At our last Bible Study, we covered Joshua Chapters 18 & 19. Next week, we intend on tackling Chapters 20 & 21. As were are nearing the end of Johsua, a poll is being conducted on this sight to determine what book to cover next. At the present Hebrews is in the lead. We will leave the poll open for a few more weeks if you have not already voted. See you all next week.

Yours in Christ,

Chris Cross

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Start time begining September 9, 2009

The vote was overwhelming. It was unanimous that everyone wanted to start earlier. Accordingly, beginning September 9, 2009 we will begin the study at 11:30 and go until 12:30 every Wednesday. We should see a larger turnout now............right?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Earlier start time? Let us hear from you!

Chris received several inquiries as to whether we could change our meeting start time to 11:30 and to go to 12:30 as opposed to our current 11:45 - 12:45 schedule. Accordingly, I have set up another poll to test the waters of member sentiment. If you have feelings on the issue just click the appropriate button to register your position.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Which Book Next?

We are coming to a conclusion of our study of the book of Joshua. Accordingly, we need to know which book you folks would like to study next. Chris Cross sent out an e-mail and got some suggestions. I have created a poll to the right of this page so you can easily choose from the options. Just click the book you prefer and we'll choose the most popular response.