Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Comment from Joe

Hello all:

Joe wanted me to post his comment to Tommyboy's post regarding his baptism.

Joe M said...
tommyboy your quite the genius:)and BTW what in carnation is Soli Deo Gloria? Seriously though folks you've been great!Thank you very much! hee hee hee!!!!! :)

your brother in Christ
Joe A Massey
we all can't have a handle like Tommyboy!


Soli Deo Gloria roughly translates: only for the glory of God. I beleive it was a motto used during the Protestant Reformation.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Meeting report 5-12-2010

For such a cloudy, rainy day there was plenty of  light at the City Market. We had a good turn out under the circumstances and the spirit was present and strong. We studied shooting-starHebrews 11:23-31, focusing primarily on the faith of Moses.

Next week we will begin at Hebrews 11:32 and hope to finish the rest of Chapter 11. Hope to see you there. May God bless your week.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Indiana Family Institute

I was attending the festivities at the City Market celebrating the National Day of Prayer and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was being led and had been organized by Curt Smith. Curt is a childhood friend that I had not heard from in IFImany years and it was a blessing to talk with him afterwards and catch up with each other. Curt is currently the President of the Indiana Family Institute.
The Indiana Family Institute is  a Christian organization that promotes the family and Christian social values and has a strong mission. You can find out more about the IFI here: Indiana Family Institute. I strongly encourage everyone to support this fine organization in the Godly work they are doing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Meeting Report 5-5-2010

Great meeting today. We had a unusually largecross turnout and everyone was blessed. We covered Hebrews 11:8-20 and had a profitable discussion on the faith of Abraham. We welcomed a guest, Billy, and were happy to have him join in. Keep coming back Billy!

See you next week. Until then, Soli Deo Gloria!


Joe Massey Gets Baptized

Joe Massey got Baptized on April 25, 2010. It was a wonderful service and everyone who could attend was blessed. Here are some pictures:


Getting ready for the big event


  Getting ready to crucify the old self…. and


The new man emerges!


Congratulations Joe! We are proud to have you as a brother in Christ. Soli Deo Gloria.