Friday, June 4, 2010

What to study next?

As you can see we are getting to the end of Hebrews. It's been a great ride and rich study. We need to start considering what we will do next. A topic study? An OT book? We're open to suggestion.Bible study open book with glasses

A topic study has been suggested. I have several studies available and the one's on the following topics look very good:

  • "Sermon on the Mount"
  • "Christian Discipline"
  • "Meeting God"

I like the "Meeting God" study. Not enough people today really study God as he is revealed in his word. The study was prepared by J.I. Packer, author of the classic, "Knowing God".

If you have a suggestion or something you'd personally like to cover let either Chris or myself know. We'll narrow it down to a list and let the group vote on it again. I know I sure have been spending some quality time in Ecclesiastes lately (hint, hint)   ;-)

Think about it.

We can’t wait to get to the City Market Bible Study.

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