Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Qoheleth - Life under the Sun

CMBS starts Ecclesiastes. We had a great meeting and in depth introduction to the book of Ecclesiates ("Qoheleth"). This promises to be an exciting study, something a bit different from a very modern book. We discussed the authorship of the book (group consensus - Solomon), the themes, genre and five good reasons that now is a more relevant time than ever to study this often overlooked God breathed book. If you would like to review our study notes for the meeting click here.

Next week we'll get started on the book with an eye toward Chapter 1 v. 1-11. I strongly recommend that everyone read the entire book before the next meeting. It's not that long and can easily be read in a single sitting. Focus especially on chapter 12, the last chapter. It contains a unifying coda on the book which shows the author's true focus. Hope to see you there.

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