Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Next Stop - Hebrews

At our next meeting on September 30, 2009 we will begin our study of the book of Hebrews. We will be doing an intoduction to this New Testament book. We shall try to cover the genre of the book, the primary themes, the intended audience and the historical backgroud. We may even take a stab at speculating on who the author was. Gary is a staunch "Paul authored Hebrews" guy, while my take on authorship may surprise you. You may want to review the Hebrew's Introduction I've linked to on right hand side of this page. Join in for a lively discussion.

For anyone following us on the web, feel free to add a comment on any aspect of Hebrews, suggestions for the study, questions or mere speculation on authorship. We'd love to hear from you!


  1. RE Authorship. When you look at Hebrews as a whole, it is easy to see Paul's infulence. But the Greek was clearly not in the style of his other books. It is written in a style more akin to that of Luke. Luke was with Paul to the very end and I beleive an informed speculation would be that Hebrews is a collaboration of sorts between the two.

  2. I find the whole style of writing and argument to be very unlike Paul. The style of argument seems to be very antithetical and much more akin to that of Greek philosophy. Clearly the wrting style itself has much more of a Greek flavor despite the fact that Paul always used a secretary to write his Epistles. The overall style is Alexandrian, very similar to that of Philo, which is a big hint as to who I lean toward as the writer.
